Thursday, July 21, 2005

Sun plans to make all its software free

San Francisco (InfoWorld) - Stanford, Calif. -- Sun Microsystems president and COO Jonathan Schwartz on Thursday cited the company's plans to eventually offer all of its software for free as a way to build communities around its technologies.

"The net upside of that is we get more people engaged in our community," Schwartz said of Sun's plans while speaking at the AlwaysOn conference here.

Seems promising in that it will accomplish what they want it to do.

Source Article:

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

See, I told you Jim Bob, them Aliens been here...

Sundor worm spreads alien message, The WM97/Sundor-A worm will display an image of an Alien and some good words. Along with a nice message, it ever so kindly removes programs and some files for you, And if that wasn't nice enough it will even clean up you desktop (by hiding icons). And if you notice your AV software not working, that because the worm felt you didnt need it any more by disabling it.

It's been reported that you are very unlikely to be infected with the virus. "The Sundor-A worm has so far been remarkably unsuccessful at spreading its message to the inhabitants of planet Earth. Nevertheless, internet users should be reminded that it's important to keep their anti-virus protection up-to-date and always think twice before running unknown files on their computers."...

[ Source: ]

Brains... Brains...... Hey I can enlarge my....

Sophos launched a new automated service that identifies exploited and hijacked computers on business networks. Sophos ZombieAlert™ a new alert service that identifies computers on an organization’s network that send out spam. ZombieAlert adivsed service subscribers when any computer on their network is found to have sent spam to Sophos's extensive global network of spam traps, and provides rapid notification to customers if their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are listed in public Domain Name Server Blackhole Lists (DNSBL). This information helps customers locate, disinfect, and protect these systems from future attacks.

“Aside from consumers, organizations such as educational institutions and government agencies are most at risk because they often have complex environments with remote and home users, which makes it far more challenging to provide effective security,” said Gregg Mastoras, senior security analyst at Sophos. “Our global network of threat analysis centers, provide around the clock visibility into new and emerging threats, including compromised computers. This alert service gives organizations the opportunity to remedy the situation and clean their systems.”

“Sophos is the first vendor we know of to offer an on-the-fly alert service that advises organizations that they are being used to host zombies," said David Ferris of Ferris Research. "This service is unique and very timely. I would anticipate that competitors would soon follow suit."

This is truely a good thing. I would love to be apart of this service, but I can not... Saddly, the company I work for is apart of the symantec AV group, Which in part isnt all that bad. However I would like to change over, but I know the powers above won't go for it, because the expenice. So I shall just pretend I have this service! Weeee.

[ Source: ]

Windows XP Flawed... Your kidding, Right?

Apparently not (note bad sarcasium), In announcement by Microsoft stated that Windows XP, 2000 and 2003 Server are open to DoS (Denial-of-Service) attacks through its Remote Desktop Protocol. Microsoft also stated that "Due to a flaw in the way Windows handles remote desktop requests, an attacker could crash a PC by sending a malformed remote request." This was confirmed last friday (7/15/05). They also said that a fix is on the way and no attacks of any kind using this flaw have been reported. Computers using services that have RDP enabled are vulnerable so, Microsoft suggests users to block port 3389, which is what RDP uses, And to also disable terminal services if the services are not required to be used.

[ Soure: ]

Monday, July 18, 2005


Super Sweet! A Napoleon Dynamite Figure. (Image shows "VOTE FOR PEDRO" T-Shirt). There are a few to choose from, even PEDRO and if you really wanted to Kip.

These fine figures are brought to you by
McFarlane Toys and Fox Licensing & Merchandising.

Check them out at:

Figures are to be Released November 2005

Mr. Potato Head joins the Empire...

The Star Wars Spud Trooper. Mr Potato head has fallen for the dark side yet again. You can now Have your very own Spud Trooper to fight along side your Spud Vader Tater.
