Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"We Run 24x7!' But we're out of the office....

So I openup Thunderbird (the other, better, Outlook) . And like normal I get a phishing scam from said company. Like I normally do, I forward the email with full headers and message on to the company (who was intended to be impersonated) and the anti-phishing groups. So I forwarded it and oddly I got an email back from where I forwarded it to. This is what I got back.

Normaly, when you get an out of office auto reply, the reply doesnt state that you are around 24x7. Just thought this was amusing read in the email. So, what 24x7 support is this?

Here are some anti-phishing / Reporting site you can send your phishing emails to:
Of course you should also report the scam to which ever institution is being impersonated. Like some of the following:
A Nice site with an Anti-Phishing Tool bar is NetCraft. I suggest it's use to people whom are do not properly know how to notice a bogus/fake site.

Happy and Safe browsing.

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