Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I am looking to switch from Cable to Over the Air local stations and just keep the Internet service at home. I may start posting again here and talking about the change. I've seen and read a lot about Over the Air TV and was recently at my Brother-In-Laws. He has the antenna's for it as he is usually home Sunday (his day off), so he watches a little then. It wasn't a bad signal at all, it helped me see how the picture was. Now I just need to get my house ready for this and start checking.

I've recently read this article (Life Hacker - How to Choose the Best Over the Ait Antenna for...) which has a few good pointers, along with this site (TV Signal Locator) for checking the area on how well TV stations will be picked up by the Antenna. A few things on my list will need to be checking our current antenna (yes, I have a large old school one still attached to our chimney. I will need to hook it back up and see if I can get anything on it, or if I need a newer Antenna. I will more or less need to pickup a Converter box, maybe, not sure about it yet. I should be posting in the coming weeks and or month or so about my experience.

Here's a what the TV Fool Radar map shows. I'll more or less need a omnidirectional Antenna, seeing that TV stations signal is coming from all directions.

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